Embrace the unexpected

Our dynamic curriculum goes beyond the physical stage and prepares students to step onto the stage of life fully and exuberantly. Expressing ourselves from this place, we become the message with clarity, purpose and impact.

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Do you feel like you know your message but there’s still fear in your presentations, or something holding you back? When enrolling in a course at The Enlivened Speaker Institute, you’ll learn how to ‘bring it all together’ by being authentically you, more supple on stage and ultimately, more alive and impactful when you address your audience.

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4 day intensive + 3 month container

Our flagship offering, this intensive, expert-level course supports students in mastering the art of speaking and self-expression as anĀ art of living. As you become theĀ living transmissionĀ of your message and your story, youā€™ll cultivate a deeper personal presence both on- and off-stage, and the ability to connect toĀ people in a way that words alone can not.



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Embodied Speaker Training

6 week self-guided paradigm shift 

Our intermediate training has been created to help you find courage, confidence and presence on stage. Deep and experiential, it is designed to integrate content throughout as you gently step out of your comfort zone and into your power. Successful completion will prepare students to fully engage audiences on both digital and in-person stages.



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Metafear: using fear as a tool for personal evolution

2 week self-guided learning journey 

In this foundational training, students are invited to deconstruct their relationship to one of our greatest inhibitors in life: fear. Through theory and practical exercises, students will become more skilled at moving through fear and procrastination, using these blocks as tools for transformation as you embody more spontaneity, authenticity and aliveness in your personal expression.

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What People Are Saying

“This training through the embodiment of who I am when I speak has taught me how to anchor into my body even in the most stressful of situations. It has not only taught me how to be present with my audience, but how to be truly be present with my life.”  
- Katherine Barrett, Holistic Health & Life Coach, + Chef
“Being in Miroslav’s program has allowed me to experience myself in a whole new way. The real authentic version of me. In the course I had opportunities to share more of who I am and what I offer and now I don’t think twice about saying yes to opportunities that typically would have scared me. I’ve gone through an upgrade and am now able to show up just as I am"
Carly Faragher, Head of Partnerships TEDx Melbourne & Founder of Hello There Community
“I’ve had so many people say it’s the best speaking I’ve ever done because I’ve been more in tune with my body and breath and felt what the room needed more of in terms of a experience based on all you taught.”
- Miranda Marriott, Women’s Empowerment Coach

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And receive our FREE starter ebook 

"The 7 Tools For Powerful Stage Presence”

so you can begin walking the path to personal and public speaking excellence today.