The Stage - The Mirror To Your Power

Nov 05, 2021

The stage is a direct mirror to power and most people freeze on stage because they're afraid of their power.

If you're choking, getting nervous etc...Consider how much you’re still living outside of yourself.

As a metaphor, finding power as a speaker is like getting naked and dancing in front of the audience.

Letting the part of you that is 'POWER' be seen.

Now some of you might picture male strippers...but it's a metaphor, not a physical phallus 

The symbolism lives in revealing the depths of yourself and what is dear to you while others comfortably sit around and judge you.

You're moving with your most vulnerable parts for all to see.

Not all speaking programs will teach you this, 95% of programs out there generally teach you where to stand, what to say, and how to be a good robot.

Some people think I teach 'public speaking' but what I have discovered is after working with me, people are far more connected to their power and willing to be seen standing for what they believe in.

They are willing to wear the projections of others, to speak to what they feel deeply within.

They become a living vibration of their message.

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