The Reason Your Message Isn't Being Heard

Nov 16, 2021

If you want to scale your message, it isn’t enough to be just an expert in your field. You need to know these two things.

  1. How to enroll people.
  2. How to properly articulate what you need to share.

When you have these two skills things will change.

When you can get on stage and share your message you change the face of what you’re doing and your impact will increase 10 fold over night.

When you touch people's hearts in a deep way you will know your message is being heard AND, if you can do it in front of a room full of people, the ripple effect is endless.

I have had a client make 20k on 2 stages in one week alone.

And…she wasn’t even actively selling from the stage.

And….she told me a week before that that she wasn’t a good speaker. But she got the training that was needed and did it anyway. 

This is what’s possible when you bring presence to the stage and allow your stories to be there with you and carry your message for you. 

The Enlivened Speaking Institute offers cutting edge training for people with a message that needs to be heard. 

If you’re ready to make more money, have more fun, and share a message that ignites the hearts of many, drop me the word presence below or check out our offerings here. 

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